Academic Coaching and Editing Services

(ABN 79 549 350 723)



I can edit your journal article, dissertation, honours thesis, masters thesis, doctoral thesis, or other academic papers. I concentrate on your written English expression and specialise in theses written in report style.


I can offer the following services but to save money most students ask me to only do 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

1. Correct errors of grammar, spelling and punctuation.

2. Recommend changes to improve your English expression.

3. Ensure accuracy and consistency in referencing.

4. Comment on the clarity of the argument being presented.

5. Correct inconsistencies in the use of capitalisation, hyphenation and numbers.

6. Check for consistency of typography, heading hierarchy, page layout, figures, tables and captions.

7. Check for suitability of formatting (alignment, spacing, font, page breaks)

8. Check the accuracy and consistency of placement of tables, figures and plates, with reference to the text.

9. Check the accuracy of page numbering with reference to the table of contents and the appendix.


Please note that I do not fix formatting problems identified at 6, 7, 8 and 9 – I only draw them to your attention. Students do 6, 7, 8 and 9 for themselves.


I do not provide comment or advice on discipline specific content or on the thrust of what your thesis is arguing; only on how it is presented.


When editing your thesis or journal article I will be guided by the Australian Standards for Editing Practice1 and the editing policy of your university.